It's time to make a start on your Christmas projects considering its only 11 weeks till Christmas! Not that you wanted to know that! LOL! I am giving away a free pass to the next round of
UStamp "Get a jump on your jingle" This is going to be a fun event! It starts on the 12th of November and goes to the 1st December! There will be 40 fun projects!
If you would like to win a free pass all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post telling me what you like best about Christmas and I will draw a winner on Friday some time!
Tracey xx
I love baking with the kids, we have so much fun.
Oh and chocolate, any excuse for chocolate LOL
I love buying gifts fir people and seeing them enjoy receiving them. It is a time when people think of pleasing others rather than themselves. Oh, also love that Mum goes to lots of trouble to make her delicious Christmas pud :-)
It has to be the look on the kids faces on Christmas morning! Whether they think it was Santa or not, they still LOVE the excitement of finding all those gifts under the tree!!
Hi Tracey - the thing I love most about Christmas is family. Getting together with my parents and my sister and her family.... all good.
My favorite part of Christmas is getting together with family. I also enjoy the spirit of the holiday season. Everyone seems to be happier. Thank you for the chance to win a UStamp pass.
myturn4fun (at) wildblue (dot) net
I love everything about Christmas ... but the best of all is to share the Christmas time with me beloved family and friends.
I love been together with family and friends.
Good food, I love doing my christmas baking, Chrissy cake, homemade fruit pie, coconut pies,shortbread, truffles and lolly cake
I love the fact that I get the excuse to 'dress' the house, create to my heart's content and eat whatever I want without feeling guilty!
I also love seeing the extended family at our big Christmas picnic.
Oh and Christmas carols.....especially up here by candlelight at the beach - magic!
I love having the family together at Christmas, and watching my GrandDaughter and young Nephew opening their pressies.
I like spending time with family and baking fabulous sweets.
While I love the decorations, the parties and the food the best part is the time spent with family. Thanks for the chance to win a free pass. jmniffer
I know it's already been said, but to me it is family. Our family is unique to say the least and have made some very funny traditions over the years!
What I like best about Christmas is the evening. With two small boys a huge extended family who all have to be seen in one day. I love in to sit down watch the silly movie they have on telly and relax with my hubby. I perfer boxing day when th kids arnt rushed and get to play with their presents.
what I like the most about christmas is seeing the look on my childrens face as they open their presents, its priceless.
Hi Tracey. Getting together with family and friends, homemade cookies and of course Presents are just a few of the things I love about Christmas.
The best thing about Christmas is touching base with everyone far and near...spending time with those that are dear to you!!! I enjoy making Christmas cards the MOST of the cards that I make!!!!
I love bringing out the Christmas decorations, each with their special memories as we have collected and made them over the years.
I love everything about Christmas, eating and drinking with family and friends, making lots of handmade pressies, cooking, putting up decorations, making christmas cards, and wrapping and unwrapping pressies, it's the best time of the year!
I love EVERYTHING about Christmas. Decorating, baking, the kids' excitement about it all... This year we'll have another reason to celebrate - my mum's last round of chemo in December! :-)
I love all of Christmas-decorating, shopping, making gifts. Most of all it's being together with family and friends to share the special warmth and love Christmas brings!
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